Project Amplify Proudly Announces:
Hear My Voice/Escucha mi Voz
Stories of migrant children told in their own words

"This is a heartrending but vital work" - Publisher's Weekly
Amplifying Small Voices for Big Change
The team at Project Amplify is thrilled to announce
that on April 13, 2021, we released our new book, Hear My Voice / Escucha Mi Voz, compiled by Warren Binford, with a foreward by Michael Garcia Bochenek of Human Rights Watch. This illustrated book is a beautifully crafted mosaic of stories from children detained at the border in the full authenticity of their own words, along with the powerful artwork of 17 Latinx artists. This book offers an opportunity to better understand human migration and children's rights by compassionately introducing this difficult topic while providing an urgent call to action and simple steps to help. We know that our policymakers will only move forward with important changes to immigration policies if engaged citizens continue to demand action. 100% of the royalties go to Project Amplify, which is largely volunteer run. Paid positions are provided a living wage. We remain committed to amplifying the voices of children arriving in the U.S. until they are cared for in a manner befitting their dignity and human rights. Please order your copy today.
17 Latinx Artists
Buy Your Copy Today
ISBN: 978-1-5235-1348-2 (Jacketed Hardcover) | Price: $19.95
Available April 13, 2021
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