Child Migrants Speak Truth to Power
Hundreds of sworn declarations have been filed from children (and parents on behalf of their children) in the class action lawsuit, Flores v. Barr. Flores is a class action lawsuit first brought in 1985 to end the mistreatment of immigrant children. Unfortunately, because of the continued abuse and neglect of children in federal custody, the case remains active.
At Project Amplify we believe that these statements should be made widely available to the public to facilitate a better understanding of the situation at our southern border. While some of these accounts are difficult to read, it's important that we not look away. These brutal accounts are the result of immigration policies meant to inflict the greatest harm. From family separation, to forced waits in squalid camps in dangerous Mexican border towns, or closing the border to mothers and children, the cruelty of the previous administration was truly unprecedented and we must hold the architects of these policies to account. While we are hopeful that the Biden Administration will center its policies on children and families, we know from experience that these changes will only come if engaged Americans demand action. Please write to your Congressional representative today and let them know that we can and must to do better for families and children whose only crime is seeking a better life. Thank you.