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Get to Know Hope

Just like her name, our executive board member, Hope Frye, exemplifies the best kind of optimism, one rooted in hard work for lasting change. Hope is an internationally recognized immigration lawyer who is dedicated to serving women and children. Hope works with class counsel in the Flores litigation leading monitoring teams that go into detention centers and interview children about their experiences in government custody. The evidence collected on these visits supports the important Flores enforcement actions which continue to hold the government accountable for the ways in which they mistreat children. We asked Hope to share a photo that best capture her current mood and this one could not be more fitting. Despite the immense challenges, Hope continues to use her skills developed over 45 years in the field. Her faith and boundless empathy compel her to speak out mightily for child immigrants and ensure that they receive the legal protections that they are entitled to as a matter of right. Thank you for showing us the way, Hope. #AmplifytheChildren


Project Amplify is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation. Lawyer Moms Foundation is its fiscal sponsor. All donations to Project Amplify are tax-deductible.   

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